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The Best Way To Get Your Mind Game On With therapist San Antonio

You’re reading an article from The Awl about getting your mind game on with a therapist. You see, there is no magic bullet for getting your mind game on. No matter how good you are at mind games, some other people will see through them before you do. That’s why getting a professional help does so much more than just be able to play mind games with your friends. San Antonio-based neurosurgeon and psychotherapist Austin Wright specializes in helping patients develop their minds and their ability to think clearly. In this article, he shares his top tips for getting your mind game on with a therapist, including:

Ask For Help

“People ask me, ‘Why should I trust you?’ I have no idea why they would ask that, but they will. They’re always doing it for the wrong reasons. Ask for help. Don’t take people for granted. Accept help and let someone else recover from whatever happened in the past. It can help open your eyes to what your problem is and what you need to change.” – Austin Wright

Don’t Trust Your Ego

“The best way to get your mind game on with a therapist is to lie. Don’t tell the truth, but don’t keep secrets either, either. You need to be able to spin a tale, but not the one that gets you into trouble. You need to keep your thoughts to yourself, but have a few dozen ideas that you’re willing to share with someone else. That works best when you have a friend to bounce off of and help you get your mind game on.” – Austin Wright

Empower Better Thinking

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to talk about things that are important to you. You will not only receive an insight into your personal problems, but also into the solutions you are working towards. This helps you understand yourself better, and encourages you to keep working towards your goals.” – Austin Wright

Tell Good Stories

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to tell your story. Tell everyone that you tell, including everyone in your family, coworkers, and friends. It’s not a secret that you need to tell people in order to get your mind game on. It’s just a fact. Don’t keep secrets, don’t keep things to yourself, and don’t be afraid to share what you’re working towards with others.” – Austin Wright

Take Short breaks

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to take a short break. This will help your mind space out and give you some space to think. It will also give you some time to process what just happened, so that you can come back to the here and now and think more clearly.” – Austin Wright

Have Fun With The Game

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to have fun with the game. This means having a little fun, letting loose, and doing whatever it takes to get your mind game on. Some people find that having a little fun with their mind games helps them stay focused and on task. That’s fine. Just remember to keep practicing!” – Austin Wright


“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to lie and tell the truth. If you tell the truth, then you will have chaos in your mind, and you will want to keep these thoughts to yourself. You will feel inferior and bad. These are the emotions that will come up when you don’t tell the truth. You need to be able to spin a tale, but not the one that gets you into trouble. You need to keep your thoughts to yourself, but have a few dozen ideas that you’re willing to share with someone else. That works best when you have a friend to bounce off of and help you get your mind game on.” – Austin Wright

Don’t trust your ego. Trust your brain. If you want to get your mind game on, you need to trust your logical thought process. You need to trust your ability to learn, to spin a tale, and to take short breaks. You need to have fun with the game. With a therapist, you will find that you have the tools to get your mind game on. You need to trust that when you sit down with a therapist you will not be put in a box, that you will be given tools to help you along the way, and that you will not be put in aosi (position) where you can’t do anything to change.” – Austin Wright

Take Short breaks

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to take a short break and get your mind right. This will help your brain get some space and encourage you to think about what just happened and what you need to do to get your mind game on.” – Austin Wright

Have Fun With The Game

“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to have fun with the game. This means having a little fun, letting loose, and doing whatever it takes to get your mind game on. Some people find that having a little fun with their mind games helps them stay focused and on task. That’s fine. Just remember to keep practicing!” – Austin Wright


“One of the best ways to get your mind game on with a therapist is to lie and tell the truth. If you lie, then you will have chaos in your mind, and you will want to keep these thoughts to yourself. You will feel inferior and bad. These are the emotions that will come up when you don’t tell the truth. You need to be able to spin a tale, but not the one that gets you into trouble. You need to keep your thoughts to yourself, but have a few dozen ideas that you’re willing to share with someone else. That works best when you have a friend to bounce off of and help you get your mind game on.” – Austin Wright

Get Your Mind Game On With a Neurotypical Therapist are easy; they’re out there, ready to help. However, for those who have a mental illness, or issues with authority figures, there’s a problem with that. There are many different ways to get your mind game on with a therapist, and as with anything, you need to make sure it’s something you’re interested in, and something you want to do. That way is safest.